NEWS THAT matter
Casa GD e Hospvet recebem Menções Honrosas nos prémios Architecture MasterPrize (AMP) 2024
Casa GD and Hospvet receive Honorable Mentions at the Architecture MasterPrize (AMP) 2024
Estamos entusiasmados em anunciar que dois projetos portugueses receberam menções honrosas nos prestigiados Architecture MasterPrize (AMP) 2024, que celebra a criatividade na arquitetura a nível mundial.
A Casa GD, do atelier adarq, foi distinguida na categoria Residential Architecture - Single Family pela sua inovação no design residencial. Já o projeto Hospvet, do atelier Nonarquitetura, foi reconhecido na categoria Healthcare / Wellness pela excelência no design de espaços de saúde.
We are excited to announce that two Portuguese projects have received honorable mentions at the prestigious Architecture MasterPrize (AMP) 2024, which celebrates creativity in architecture on a global scale.
Casa GD, by the adarq studio, was recognized in the Residential Architecture - Single Family category for its innovation in residential design. Meanwhile, the Hospvet project, by Nonarquitetura, was honored in the Healthcare / Wellness category for excellence in the design of healthcare spaces.